
Rug cleaning at your home

Quality service from a professional

Deep cleaning for your Rugs

Rugs for living rooms, passageways and corridors, in natural and synthetic fibers

Fight stains
Fight allergies
Revive colors
Longer life

A professional comes to your home to clean your carpets, whether in the living room, hallway, bedroom or office!

We operate in the cantons of Vaud, Neuchâtel, Fribourg and Geneva

Lausanne Yverdon Orbe Vevey Montreux Neuchâtel Fribourg Nyon Cossonay Morges Bulle Genève…

If your town is not on this list, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rugs are nests of bacteria and get dirty quickly. Between stains from soil, everyday life or even animal origin, it’s not uncommon to see many carpets end up in the garbage can, because the mere sight of it gives us the impression that it’s lived long enough.

Why not give it a new lease of life?

Have your carpet thoroughly cleaned by a professional, to restore it to its original, fresh, colorful shine, free of bad odors and bacteria.

Long pile, short pile, silk, wool, fabric, whatever the composition, our team will use the right method for optimal, top-quality cleaning.

Cleaning your carpet is our business, and for impeccable quality, we use :

Top-of-the-range professional equipment

Cleaning and care products that preserve fabrics.

We guarantee a price fixed in advance, rapid intervention, quality and professional know-how.

Immediate results

Revived colors
Fresh scent
Longer life

allergy reduction

Deep cleaning
Anti-mite treatment
Odor neutralization

Task elimination

Of animal and human origin
Organic and mineral
Aureoles, deposits and dirt


Receive your no-obligation quote within 24 hours

Customized solutions

Competitive prices

An expert at your service

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